13th November 2021
When it comes to absorbing new knowledge, multisensory learning encourages students to employ more than one sense. This learning style encourages us to engage in visual,auditory,kinaesthetic and tactile activities.
Using various senses provides greater opportunities for all children to connect with what they're learning. This style of hands-on learning allows children to:
- In English, Using dough to make pastries for a tea party when exploring the story: The Tiger who Came to Tea by Judith Kerr.
- In Math lessons,Using beebots to make turns( whole,half ,quarter and three quarters) .
-Using an Atlas to locate the country Kenya and also using Think pads to locate the country on Google maps in Geography.
-Using recyclable material and Construction material to create Means of transport for Geography
- Using recyclable materials to make a wind sock as a weather instrument during a Science lesson.