Student online safety

8th October 2022

Online safety is a core conversation in Braeburn Imani with the school intentionally creating strategies that can promote online safety.

Mark Twain, the father of American Literature, predicted his own death when he said “ I came with Halley’s comet in 1835 and I’m hoping to leave with it when it whizzes past the earth next time”. He died in April 1910 a day after Halley's comet passed through the earth.

Truth or lie? With the age of the internet, Whatsapp, Twitter, Facebook and all other social networking sites, information spreads around the world like wild bushfire. Our students spend most of their free time glued to one electronic gadget or the other. It is the responsibility of the parents, teachers and other gatekeepers to help the students discern the important content from unimportant content as this may affect their studies and their view of life.

As the Braeburn school community we have a collective responsibility to ensure that truth which is sometimes slow “in putting on its shoes” always prevails.

How does Braeburn Imani keep its student population safe from online threats?

Braeburn Imani follows a strict policy that adheres to international standards of keeping students safe online. Whilst we recognise that not a single strategy can keep our students safe online, we endeavor to reduce online risks through various approaches.

Use of Britannica

Britannica is one of the safest online platforms that students can readily get access to any information that has been filtered to fit their various levels. It works like an online encyclopedia, with the difference from normal encyclopedia articles being that Britannica deliberately preselects content that are ideal for various age groups. We encourage students to use this platform because they run no risk of bumping into unsafe content.

Creating a safe Firewall

Our IT department creates a safe Firewall by filtering websites that students can access within the school. This broadly eliminates online threats from suspicious websites that take advantage of children and young people.

We encourage parents/guardians to promote internet safety at homes as well by limiting access to general internet.

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Cambridge International Examinations
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
Kenyan International Schools Association