30th June 2018
The Camp was a nice experience we all had fun. We did different activities some were challenging and some were fun, we made friends. Two students represented our school for the Guard of honour the two students were Debbie and Jean Claude they marched for the guests we had lots of fun and we achieved some badges and got scarfs. It was so cold it was 9 degrees. We also cooked our breakfast on the fast day - Debbie, Year 5
The scouts camp was a very fun experience. We were 16 in the camp, 4 Chipukizis, and 12 Sunguras. We went to St Andrews Turi and stayed 3 days and 2 nights. We did lots of activities and apparently we had to cook our own breakfast. One of the activities was water slide which was the best activity. We had other activities like the Turi ski, Blind trail, Mine field and many more. It was really cold at night. A guest of honour came to inspect the camp I was a guest of honou - Jean, Year 5