Riding adventures in Early Years

26th May 2023

Learning to ride a bike and falling off it is a substantial part of growing up! The children have access to the EY bike track and trails around the school where they go off on riding adventures.

This helps to improve their riding confidence, increases their physical activity and improves their gross motor skills. They gain balance, coordination, strength and general body control.

We have noticed that bringing bikes to school has aided in improved behaviour, increased concentration, listening and perseverance, sociability and responsibility, a sense of ownership and an awareness of space.

The EYFS children cruise on their bikes, trikes and scooters as they show off their cycling prowess. They steer and peddle, control their speed and gain balance. They have learned to cut a quick corner at fast speeds and evade obstacles.

The FS2 children have taken up to exploring the school using their bikes as they learn to cycle on different trails. The muddy paths, the grassy fields, the tarmac and the hilly areas. They love IT!

Cycling offers an opportunity for the whole family to go on an extended outing and works well for exercising the body.

There are lots of places for family bike rides. You can visit Karura forest, The Oloolua trail, the steep trails at Mt. Kilimambogo and after school at the field.

We teach the children safety rules (which have real consequences if not followed) and to look out for obstacles. We however urge Parents to provide riding gear. Start them early and they will never forget!

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Council of International Schools
Council of British International Schools
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
BTEC Level 3
Cambridge International Examinations
IB World School Status
GL Education Assessment Excellence