Magical play through dressing up

12th May 2023

What did you pretend to be when you were a child? A doctor? An astronaut? A parent?

In EYFS, play is always magical as the little ones laugh, discover, play familiar games, offer help, share passion and interests, experience new things together, and work as a team.

In crèche class, the children enjoyed the magical play by dressing up in different costumes.

They learnt a lot through dressing up as it jogged up their imaginative skills. “Children are stretching their imaginations through different identities and occupations in dress up and practising their gross and fine motor skills,” Aronian.

The children were able to problem-solve and self-regulate as they shared out the costumes and asked for help verbally from peers and adults. They practised their gross and fine motor skills through the act of putting on and taking off costumes, buttoning, zipping and snapping.

Best of all, they were able to test out new ideas and behaviours in a comfortable environment. We really enjoy learning through play!