Learning through Discovery

18th March 2023

Children are born with an innate sense of wonder and discovery. This plays out clearly where growth happens. In Braeburn Imani, children’s interests are factored in and learning happens from this angle (Discovery Learning).

Discovery learning gets even more exciting when it translates into reality. During free flow, children’s observational skills are on display when they notice the changes around them. For example when they see an avocado fruit on the ground, it becomes a moment of wonder and awe. So the next natural course of action is to want to plant a seed and monitor how growth happens.

The use of technical language such as germinate and growth are part of their learning excursions. You’d hear the little ones say it has grown bigger like the enormous turnip in their conversations. They even notice the most mundane of changes such as the first time shoots appear, how long this takes and the process that actually goes into this. It’s exciting to capture moments of understanding, joy, awe and puzzlement when they hang their bags on their pegs and rush to have a look at how the plants faired in the night.

Let’s keep this mystery called life alive for the children!
