We are going on a minibeast hunt!

12th March 2022

FS2 children could not hide their excitement about the minibeasts hunt. We all went out for the hunt, ready with our magnifying lens, camera, pencils and minibeast checklist. During the walk, they had to toss the stones to get to see some worms.

"I think worms eat soil," said Sarah.

The butterflies had them stretching their muscles as they were trying to catch at least one.

"Why are the butterflies flying so fast?"asked Jayden ooh,butterflies flutter their wings and fly!

Children were able to identify most of the minibeasts found and could also talk about their physical features. They could count the minibeast found using the minibeast checklist. We also discuss their habitats and why they live there.

"I think the butterflies live in the sky because they are always flying," Said Aria.

After the walk children had a chance to draw or paint their favourite minibeasts.

Did you know a ladybird eats thousands of aphids (small-sap sacking insects)during its lifetime!

Peer learning in FS1

Children learn best through play; copying and imitating what others are doing, which is one of the best learning methods especially in early years. Through play children are able to interact amongst themselves and learn from each other. Peer learning promotes teamwork and collaboration and also children learn how to solve their own problems without the intervention of the teacher. Each learner acts both as a donor as well as a recipient of knowledge and also gets a platform to showcase what they have learnt

Council of International Schools
Council of British International Schools
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
BTEC Level 3
Cambridge International Examinations
IB World School Status
GL Education Assessment Excellence