
12th May 2023

Imagine 24 hours away from your phone! Imagine the uproar if the entire world woke up one morning and all the phones went missing! Are telephones important? Well, this is the Big Question that the Year 2 children have been asking themselves.

This term, in History, they have been learning about inventions with the main focus being on Telephones. They have explored some of the telephones that were used before the mobile phone era and were mesmerised by the old time telephone booth.

Next steps, they creatively re-created one using waste materials within the school compound. The children have continued to enjoy using it during role play where they act as call centre agents, receiving and noting down messages. This has in turn enhanced their communication skills: listening, speaking, turn taking and also helped them improve on their spellings and vocabulary.

Classroom discussions on the same have been really stimulating and engaging with children expressing their opinions on the different trends; making comparisons and identifying similarities and differences between the old and new telephones. Fast forward to what the future holds, the children seem to anticipate the release of the IPhone 19 and perhaps a squeeze phone!

Council of International Schools
Council of British International Schools
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
BTEC Level 3
Cambridge International Examinations
IB World School Status
GL Education Assessment Excellence