Flipping the classroom

30th September 2022

Year 10 students decided to flip the classroom to take control of their learning experience.

Braeburn Imani is committed to global approaches of teaching and learning to promote desirable learning outcomes. One of the active approaches that we use is Flipped Learning.

What is flipped learning?

It is a teaching method that exposes learners to learning materials in advance and uses lesson time for activities that involve high-order thinking.

It can take different forms and use a wide range of teaching and learning materials.

The successes of flipping our classroom.

In our classroom, the teacher shared Letter Writing materials and assigned one of the students the task of guiding the lesson with the belief that they can create high-order thinking engagement.

Indeed, the learning experience was worthwhile because the students were able to firmly understand the conventions of the Letter Writing as expected in our O-Level Language course and respond critically to high-order thinking.

Tools that we used to flip the classroom:

Our school has various platforms that encourage student-led engagement in the classroom, not just for flipped learning but for overall enhanced learning experiences.

We use Edpuzzle, Nearpod, Peardeck, Khan Academy, and gaming platforms like Kahoot, Quizizz and Quizlet to enhance content accessibility to cater to varied learning styles.

Do students enjoy student-led learning experiences?

From their engagement and performance, we have no doubts that they enjoy our varied approaches to learning.

How about you hear their responses? Here’s feedback from our students about flipping the classroom led by a student in a previous lesson:

Filling in the teachers' shoes was both hard and fun but it made me have a newly-found respect for the teachers who take their time to plan our lessons and make sure they understand what we are teaching.

Aaron - lead student for the day

It was a new experience for me to be taught by a peer. The information was absorbed quickly becasse the student-teacher related our feelings. It was a nice experience.


The lesson was engaging and we really enjoyed it coming from one of us


Yr10 2.PNG
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Cambridge International Examinations
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
Kenyan International Schools Association