Explanation Texts in Year 4!

8th October 2022

The Wallace and Gromit show made headlines in Year 4 for the last two weeks. The class enjoyed the humour and drama that went on in Wallace workshop where everything went haywire. All his blueprints were stolen!by someone unknown, though he suspected Gromit. He wrote a distress letter to our class requesting for new inventions. That is what we have been upto! We first of all identified features of an explanation text, planned out our inventions and did the actual writing. We linked this to our art and design lesson by actually making them!

Watching our inventions come to life is a wonderful sight to behold.

We sure hope Wallace will pick some for his show.

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Cambridge International Examinations
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
Kenyan International Schools Association