Blogging in Year 5

12th November 2022

Braeburn Imani adapts its teaching and learning activities to meet the needs of the fast-paced society that we are living in today. Technology has always been at the core of our learning experiences.

Year 5 pupils in Braeburn Imani have started a new and exciting learning topic; blogging. It is an adaptive learning topic in ICT that helps our pupils to understand, at an early age, what blogging is and how effective it is a means of communication.

We used explorative learning sessions to introduce blogging. It was delightful to discover that a majority of our pupils already knew what blogging is.

Safe blogging

In addition to understanding blogging, we also teach our students how important it is to be safe when blogging or engaging in any online activity. Our school values form our underpinning philosophy for online safety where we encourage Safety and Respect when creating and writing blogs.

Moulding future bloggers

Whilst blogging remains a field for passionate writers, we encourage our learners to use it expressively to practise their writing skills.

Maybe, they could find and unlock their hidden potential in blogging.

As we carry on with the unit, we can’t wait to read the blogs created by Year 5 learners

The Independent Association of Prep Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
Kenyan International Schools Association